The plot of the film : A teenage gang growing up on their local block and are hit with an alien attack , they use friendship and teamwork to defend their block . As the gang are wanted for mugging an innocent woman and being involved with drugs and guns, they are also on the run from the police as well as the aliens.
I believe this film is a meaningful film for study as it covers a lot of different themes and relationships such as , Friendship, Growing up, Love, Conflict and Authority levels. These are portrayed throughout the film and are easily recognizable and are presented in a very clever way.
I would class this film in many different genres which is why it would be a great film for study , it could be classed as any of the below:
- Sci-Fi Horror
- Black Comedy
- Thriller
- Action and Adventure
The main characters are the gang members and at the start they fit the stereotype of a gang member as they are violent , show no remorse, cause havoc and committing crimes. But nearer the end it shows they are not just normal teenage gangsters and shouldn't just instantly fit the stereotype as when they are approached with a serious dilemma they mature and become brave soldiers and protect their families and area from the aliens which shows how characters can develop throughout a film and change their stereotypes. There is also a sub character which is the victim of a robbery who is an innocent woman who is scared of the gang but bumps into them throughout , but she then sees the bravely of the boys when confronted with real conflict and begins to respect them more. This is why I believe its a good film to study as it also portrays character development.
Some fair and convincing points of opinion here Jake. I think the twist that he is a 15 yr old is noteworthy too and issues of how men should behave in society. Well put forward